09 December 2007

Hit the On Switch

Doc Shadow is now a blogger guy... I didn't think it would happen, but this saves me the hassle of buying a new domain.

This will primarily be an extension of my site Darkside Dreamland but will differ in several key ways. I will not be "Chris Schaffer" here on this blog. Instead this will be written from the viewpoint and character of Doc Shadow. The name comes from a very early internet handle I adopted and has remained with me ever since. This will be a way for me to have a bit more fun.

Besides, the internet was made to be exciting. Just having the perception of posting as a "separate" personality give me much more freedom.

And yes, the description under the title is indeed from Portal. Aperture Science "Doing what we must because we can."
I look forwars to warming up the internet neurotoxin.
